Sponsor, Exhibit, Advertise

800 +


9.4k +


3.1k +


14k +


OEFFA’s popular annual conference features nationally-recognized speakers, an exhibit hall, children’s activities, entertainment, locally- sourced meals, and more than 60 workshops about sustainable agriculture taught by experienced farmers, advocates, and researchers.

Now in its 46th year, this conference welcomes more than 800 attendees committed to local food and farms, consumers and growers alike.

View the complete list of sponsor levels + benefits

Sponsorships | Exhibiting | Advertising | Purchase

2025 OEFFA Conference


PRESENTER ($5,000)

  • Exhibitor Booth Package (sells out quickly!) plus two additional conference registrations Introduction of keynotes from stage
  • Featured on venue TVs, Conference Hub, workshop rooms, and dining tables
  • Full page ad in conference brochure (due 10/16/24)
  • Exclusive digital ads on OEFFA conference website and promotional emails
  • Sponsor spotlight on OEFFA social media and pre-conference email
  • One year OEFFA membership

SUSTAINER ($3,000)

  • Exhibitor Booth Package (sells out quickly!) plus two additional conference registrations
  • Featured on venue TVs, Conference Hub, workshop rooms, and dining tables
  • Half page ad in conference brochure (due 10/16/24)
  • Ad on OEFFA conference website
  • Sponsor spotlight on OEFFA social media and pre-conference email
  • One year OEFFA membership


  • Exhibitor Booth Package (sells out quickly!) plus one additional conference registration
  • Quarter page ad in conference brochure (due 10/16/24) and ad on conference website
  • Ad on conference website
  • Name listed on conference website, emails, venue TVs, and dining tables


  • Exhibitor Booth Package (sells out quickly!) plus one additional conference registration
  • Name listed on conference website, emails, venue TVs, and dining tables
  • Signage by childcare and Kids’ Conference
  • Complimentary childcare or Kids’ Conference


  • Exhibitor Booth Package
  • Name listed on conference website, emails, venue TVs, and dining tables

SEEDER ($500)

  • Name listed on conference website, emails, venue TVs, and dining tables

Gain face-to-face access to hundreds of conference attendees and let them know about the products, services, and information you can offer.

Sponsorships | Exhibiting | Advertising | Purchase

2025 OEFFA Conference



  • 10’x10’ space with two chairs, skirted table, and pipe and drape (contact OEFFA to discuss prices and larger space options)
  • Free public WiFi
  • Listing in the exhibit hall directory on the Conference Hub (digital platform for on-site attendees)
  • Two conference registrations with Friday and Saturday breakfasts and lunches
  • Opportunity to participate in exhibitor flash demonstrations on main stage
  • Many events are held in the exhibit hall to encourage foot traffic, including keynote addresses, happy hours, and meals


  • Distribution of print literature at the conference
  • Materials due to the OEFFA office by 2/1/25
  • Good option for your business to connect with attendees without being physically present!

Questions about exhibiting?
Contact John at john@oeffa.org
or (614) 947-1610.

If a conference ad(s) is included in your sponsor package, please design and submit your ad using the instructions below.

Email all ads to reilly@oeffa.org. Final ads must be received by deadline and meet required specifications.

Sponsorships | Exhibiting | Advertising | Purchase

2025 OEFFA Conference



Ads appear on the OEFFA conference website sidebar in a randomized order upon submission.

  • 300 pixels wide x 400 pixels high
  • Full color PNG or JPG
  • Include a link to your business’ website or social media with submission
  • Ad submissions are accepted until 2/12/25


This 24-page quarterly newsletter features stories and updates about OEFFA’s work and programs, production and marketing education, sustainable agriculture research, state and federal policy, resources, events, and more.

Ads in OEFFA’s pre-conference (winter) and post-conference (spring) newsletters are not included in conference packages, but are available for purchase separately.

Winter deadline: 12/15/24
Spring deadline: 3/15/25

  • Full page: 7.4 in x 9.75 in, $400
  • Half page: 7.4 in x 4.75 in or 3.5 in x 9.75 in, $250
  • Quarter page: 3.5 in x 4.75 in or 7.4 in x 2.2 in, $175
  • Eighth page: 3.5 in x 2.3 in or 2.3 in x 3.5 in, $100
  • Black and white, high resolution print quality (300 dpi) PNG, PDF, or TIF

Further advertising information.

2025 OEFFA Conference


This beautiful publication (see the 2024 brochure) is mailed to thousands of sustainable agriculture supporters in early December, posted to the conference website (seen by 14,000+), and distributed in organizations, businesses, events, and subscription boxes throughout the region.

This is the only full color print advertising opportunity OEFFA offers, and because its distribution goes way beyond OEFFA’s membership, it’s a great opportunity to reach your audience! Space is limited.

Deadline: 10/16/24

Full page: $500

  • 5 in wide x 7.25 in high
  • Included in Presenter sponsorship

Half page: $300

  • 5 in wide x 3.5 in high
    Included in Sustainer sponsorship

Quarter page: $200

  • 2.25 in wide x 3.5 in high
    Included in Barn Raiser sponsorship

Full color, high resolution print quality (300 dpi) PNG, PDF, or TIF

Email to reilly@oeffa.org

Final ads must be received by deadline and meet specifications

Questions about advertising?
Contact Reilly at reilly@oeffa.org
or (614) 725-3160.

Our convenient Sponsorship, Exhibiting, and Advertising pdf to take with you.
Download pdf

Sponsorships | Exhibiting | Advertising | Purchase


Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085


OEFFA: (614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022

Donate Online