Session VI
Saturday, February 15 | 1:30-2:45 p.m.
Farm Bill: What We Know and Where We’re Going
Patty Lovera, Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment, Stef Funk, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, Steve Ela, National Organic Coalition, Milo Petruziello, OEFFA
Food and farm experts from around the country will discuss the status and the future of the impactful farm bill. Delve into the current landscape of upcoming federal legislation and review what new Ohio members of the 119th Congress can do to support our mission.
Sustainable Foundations and Personal Resilience
Balancing Ideals and Reality
Amanda Hanger, Gorman Heritage Farm, Steve Edwards, Gorman Heritage Farm and White Oak Farm
Sometimes conceptual farming methods don’t yield the desired results. Learn about real-word applications of sustainable techniques and how to adapt when things don’t go as planned from two southwest Ohio farmers.
Backyards, Lots, and Small Plots
Creating Ecology-Based Food Communities
Debra Knapke, The Garden Sage
Imagine creating a functional food garden designed to model a forest ecology. It would have a diverse, yet complementary, palette of trees, shrubs, perennials, and vines that offer food and nutrition to each other, their associated fauna, and to us. A food forest or forest garden is the practical application of regenerative practices for the gardener who wants to work with nature and put healthy food on the table.
Growing Sustainable Businesses
Mentoring on the Farm
Annie Warmke, Blue Rock Station Sustainable Living Center and Farm
With 20 years of experience developing and managing an internship/apprenticeship program, this workshop will share what it takes to make it successful. Learn the basics of Ohio intern law, the challenges, and successes, plus hear how Blue Rock Station has helped these wanna-be farmers turn into leaders.
Can Biochar Restore Soil Carbon and Other Ecosystem Services?
Cody Creech, University of Nebraska
The extent to which biochar improves soil properties and crop production has been mixed. Explore what we know about biochar performance and how other practices that are used to improve soil health compare.
Fiber Farming and Diversification
Dianne Ganslein, Ohio Valley Farm and Fiber Mill
Learn how small growers can drive more profitability by diversifying their fiber farm’s offerings to include raising animals, commercial processing, and value-added products.
Vegetables, Fruit, and Specialty Crops

Pest and Disease Scouting for Vegetable Growers
Dan Fillius, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Learn tangible practices to evaluate your organic vegetable crops for emerging pests and diseases, including schedules, tools, and techniques. Walk away feeling confident you can implement scouting practices to identify and mitigate pests and diseases that can impact your plants’ health and yield.
Biodynamics Simplified: Making Biodynamic Preparations
Jeff Poppen, Barefoot Farmer and Long Hungry Creek Farm
Biodynamics refers to biology and energy, and its method relies on compost and cover crops, along with appropriate remineralization. Discuss in detail what biodynamics is, why we do it, and how it’s done. Understand the practical applications of this efficient, economical, and sustainable system for the market gardener and the small landowner.
Queer Breakout Room
Jerah Pettibone, OEFFA
This is a space intended for farmers who identify as LGBTQIA to come together and connect. It is a loosely structured conversation around the different joys and challenges queer farmers face. If this applies to you, come, meet, share, and connect in community.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA: (614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022