
Session V

Saturday, February 17 | 10:45 a.m.–Noon 

The Food and Farm Movement

Bridging Perspectives

Nicole Wolcott, OEFFA

Through group discussions and activities, learn how we can bridge perspectives and backgrounds to build movements. OEFFA’s narrative is our goal—to have a sustainable and resilient food system. By practicing positive conversations and working across differences, we can help folks see the value in working together to achieve that goal.

River Birch A

Sustainable Foundations


For Peat’s Sake! An Exploration of Potting Soil Components

Nathan Rutz, Rust Belt Riders Composting/Tilth Soil

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on your potting soil and wondered what and where it comes from? Discuss the job we task potting soil to do, explore common and uncommon potting soil components (the bulk of the material) and amendments (the added stuff), and understand the benefits and drawbacks of the available options.

Barrel Room

Backyards, Lots, and Small Plots

Small-Space Indoor Production of Microgreens and Mushrooms as a Way to Create a Viable Income and Help People Out of Poverty

Tom Phillips, StarkFresh, Alexis Philips, Little Greens Mama

Hear the results of two Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) projects that demonstrate ways mutually beneficial partnerships can help people in poverty create viable incomes through small-space, indoor farming businesses. Real-life case studies will be shared of a microgreen and mushroom farms in an urban environment.

Woodhull C

Specialty Crops

Fostering Best Practices for Plant and Soil Health Management While Adapting to Current and Future Climate Challenges

Pam Mack, L Marie Ltd

Take an experience-based look at running a small organic vegetable farm with a changing climate. Learn best practices for growing plants and an approach to adapting a growing philosophy to combat climate challenges.

Woodhull A

Grain Crops

Farm, Mill, and Bakery: Adding Value Adds Up

Thor Oechsner, Oechsner Farms

Delve into how an organic field crop farm kept its head above water by adding value to its grain through processing. Talk about both the why and how they came to own and operate both a flour mill and bakery. Simple on-farm grain cleaning and marketing will also be covered.

River Birch B

Livestock and Poultry

Earning Income on Fallow Land with Swine

Tom Cail

Learn how to use swine to help earn income on fallow land, all while adding fertilizer and controlling weeds.

Woodhull B

Personal Resilience

Farming with Draft Animals

Gabriel Francisco, Thunderfoot Farm

Did you know that farming with the use of draft animals continues to be one of the most prevalent methods of farm power to this day? Topic discussions will include team selection, training basics, soil health and farm biodiversity, economics, and practicality. Information will be provided for those interested or starting their draft-powered farming journeys, but all skill levels are invited to attend and join in the conversation.

Denison Room

Business and Marketing

Grants, Loans, and Technical Support for Urban Farmers from the USDA

Mike Hogan, OSU

Understand the new and expanded financial and technical support for urban farm businesses available from the USDA.  Representatives from USDA agencies will outline how existing and aspiring urban farmers can access support for their business, and urban farmers will discuss how their farm operations have benefitted from utilizing these resources.

River Birch C

Community Conversations

Seed Commons as a Pathway to Community Resilience

Jim Embry, Sustainable Communities Network

Continuing the morning’s keynote presentation, learn about the development of bioregional seed commons. This transformation of our agrifood system depends on us doing many things differently, thinking not just out-of-the-box but out-of-the-barn. But one thing is clear: this paradigm shift cannot happen without securing, adapting, sharing, and honoring the diversity of plant seeds—from grasses to trees.

Woodhull D


# This session was not recorded.
* This session was not recorded due to its conversational aspect.
t This session's recording had technical issues.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085


OEFFA: (614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022

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