Friday Night

OEFFA COnference Friday Special Events
Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Friday, February 16—7:30 p.m.

Barrel Room

Come and share your artistic side! This is a free
time to share your songs, poems, stories, skits, and more—share whatever moves you. There will be a sign-up sheet available to claim a spot on a first-come, first-served basis. An acoustic guitar will be available for anyone who needs it.

Diggin In Movie

Film Screening

Friday, February 16—7:30 p.m.

Woodhull C

OEFFA is screening the film Digging In, which follows Masika Henson around the U.S. to understand who controls our food, who owns the land it’s grown upon, and whether our systems can adapt to a changing climate.


Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085


OEFFA: (614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification: (614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022

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