Conference 2023


Join us at Ohio’s largest sustainable agriculture conference February 16-18, 2023, in Newark, Ohio! The 44th annual OEFFA conference is three days full of live learning, shopping, sharing, and connecting with sustainable farmers, gardeners, and local food supporters. 

With 50+ workshops on everything from farmers markets to livestock management, a big exhibit hall for shopping and networking, a few happy hours to gather and celebrate, locally-sourced lunches, and much more, we hope to see you there!

Conference Hub

While you’re at the conference you can access the conference schedule, workshop descriptions, special events, maps, menus, and exhibitor and sponsor information using our mobile friendly conference webpage.


On-site registration will be available during the conference. There will also be a limited number of lunches available for sale.

We look forward to seeing you in Newark!

Register Today!

Online registration closes February 1, 2023.

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Conference Schedule

Thursday, February 16

10 a.m.-5 p.m.Food and Farm School*
4-7 p.m.Welcoming Exhibit Hall Happy Hour and Keynote Address with Rowen White**
presented by Osborne Quality Seeds

Friday, February 17

8 a.m.Exhibit Hall opens
8:45-10 a.m.Workshop Session I
10-10:45 a.m.Exhibit Hall break
10:45 a.m.-NoonWorkshop Session II
1-2:15 p.m.Workshop Session III
2:30-3:45 p.m.Workshop Session IV
4-5 p.m.Community Conversations, Members’ Meeting***, Networking, and Exhibit Hall break
4-6:30 p.m.Farmers Market Vendor Fair
4:30-6:30 p.m.Exhibit Hall Happy Hour
5-6:30 p.m.Heartland FarmLink Mixer
6:30 p.m.Exhibit Hall closes
7:30 p.m.OEFFA Open Mic Night

Saturday, February 18

8 a.m.Exhibit Hall opens
8:45-10 a.m.Workshop Session V
10-10:45 a.m.Exhibit Hall break
10:45 a.m.-NoonWorkshop Session VI
1-2:15 p.m.Workshop Session VII
2:30-3:30 p.m.Community Conversations, Networking, and Exhibit Hall break
3:45 p.m.Exhibit Hall closes
3:45-5 p.m.Announcements, Keynote Address with Ricardo Salvador

Schedule is subject to change. All times Eastern. All events will take place at Cherry Valley Hotel and Ohio Event Center in Newark, Ohio. Recordings of workshops and keynotes will be available for registrants until March 31, 2023.
*Friday and Saturday lunches and registration for the Food and Farm School classes must be purchased separately; they are not included in general registration.
**Access to Thursday’s Welcoming Exhibit Hall Happy Hour and Keynote Address is included in general and Food and Farm School registration; tickets for only this evening’s event are available to purchase for $35 both online and on-site. The keynote address will begin at 6 p.m.
***OEFFA members are invited to attend the members’ meeting at no cost. The exhibit hall will open to the public at the time of this meeting. All other conference events require paid registration.
This program is supported in part by NIFA USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (2019-49400-30033).

Rowen White

Rowen White

February 16 Keynote Address

Reseeding Imaginations of a Relational Agricultural System

How do we cultivate a diverse culture of belonging inside our regenerative agricultural movement? Join Mohawk seedkeeper Rowen White as she shares stories from the Indigenous Land and Seed Sovereignty movement, which embodies the vision of sustainable relational agriculture. She will share the collective vision of intercultural healing that emerges when we center Indigenous leadership, ecological knowledge, cultural memory, and sovereignty of living in relationship with the cultural inheritance of land, seeds, and other non-human kin. Her uplifting stories from her work at the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance will paint an uplifting picture of cultural and climate sanity for the regenerative land stewardship movement in these times of great transformation.

Rowen White is a seed-keeper and farmer from the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and a passionate activist for indigenous seed and food sovereignty. She is the educational director and lead mentor of Sierra Seeds, an innovative Indigenous seed bank and land-based educational organization located in Nevada City, California. Rowen is the founder of the Indigenous Seedkeepers Network, which is committed to restoring the Indigenous Seed Commons. She facilitates creative hands-on workshops and strategic conversations in community around seed and food security within tribal and small farming communities around the country.

Ricardo salvador

Ricardo Salvador

February 18 Keynote Address

A Transformational Idea for the 2023 Farm Bill

The “modern” version of the farm bill is built around a coalition of commodity, anti-hunger, and conservation agriculture advocates. It is a $787 billion program that has evolved incrementally since 1973. It affects everyone who eats and pays taxes, yet it is formulated in obscurity by a very narrow set of interests. The bill props up and protects an archaic agricultural and nutritional perspective and should be replaced by more current, equitable, and scientifically-illumined legislation. The problem? There is an entrenched agribusiness sector with a $1 trillion interest in keeping in place a system that they write to benefit themselves. How do we overcome this economic power? The circumstances leading up to the 2023 Farm Bill provide a unique alignment of factors that could lead to a uniquely different farm bill.

Ricardo Salvador is an agronomist with more than 40 years of experience in academia, philanthropy, and advocacy. Born and raised in southern Mexico, he completed his higher education at New Mexico State University and holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in crop production and physiology from Iowa State University. As director and senior scientist of the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, Ricardo leads a team of interdisciplinary scientists and policy analysts to make the case that modern, sustainable practices can be highly productive while also protecting the environment, producing healthy food, and creating economic opportunity for all. 

Food and Farm School

Thursday, February 16—10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Holistic Planned Grazing:

Balancing Work, Business, and Ecosystem Improvement for Optimal Results

Through covering the value of clarifying goals and objectives, this class explores the importance of enterprise economic analysis and unlocking biological capital in wealth generation. Wayne Knight of Holistic Management International (HMI) will introduce tools to plan and monitor that will improve your day-to-day management decisions, helping you make incremental improvements to your vision of a preferred future.

No-Till Vegetable Culture

The non-disturbance of soil in vegetable production has greatly improved crop quality, yield, and profitability on many farms recently. In this workshop, organic grower and author Bryan O’Hara will dive into the details of moving into and setting up a no-till system. You’ll learn the nitty gritty details of preparing the land, specific tools and equipment modifications, seeding and planting, weed control, and many other aspects of a no-till system.

Organic Systems Plan Help

Organic Systems Plan

Help-Shop for Transitioning Producers

Writing your first Organic Systems Plan (OSP) can be overwhelming. If you are planning to certify for the first time in 2023, OEFFA invites you to bring your draft OSP and your questions to this supported work session. OEFFA’s Sustainable Agriculture Educator Johnnie Speicher, along with several experienced OEFFA certification specialists, will address common stumbling blocks farmers encounter in their first OSP, provide individualized assistance, and answer your questions so your first year of certification goes as smoothly as possible.

Our Future, Our Farm Bill

This day-long session facilitated by Erik Peterson of Bending the Arc Strategies and staff from OEFFA’s policy program will provide a mix of information, ideas, and action focused on demystifying the 2023 Farm Bill, moving toward understanding narrative, how it has been used against organic and sustainable farmers, and the OEFFA narrative for change. Jesse Womack of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition will share relevant details for the bill with a focus on the issues we care most about. You will learn some tricks of the trade for successful advocacy, and weigh in on one of these issue priorities: 

  • Support for beginning and BIPOC farmers;
  • Reversing consolidation;
  • Supporting local/regional food systems;
  • Investing in organic and sustainable research; and 
  • Promoting soil health and climate resilience through conservation policy.

Planting Fairness:

Tools for Building a Positive Farm Team with Fair Labor Practices

Farms can only be truly sustainable if they provide healthy, dignified working conditions for owners and workers alike. In this workshop, Elizabeth Henderson and Jon Magee of the Agricultural Justice Project (AJP) and Emily Jackle of Mile Creek Farm will help you examine fair employment practices, adapt an employee handbook, and write a holistic farm health and safety plan. Learn how to move from merely complying with labor laws to offering fair working conditions, adapt the AJP employee handbook, and write fair policies on conflict resolution, discipline, evaluations, and more. A farm health and safety plan will be created that addresses all the hazards in a farm workplace, including personal well-being and workplace relationships. Bring your laptop or other devices to complete and customize the templates during the workshop.


Feb. 17

Workshop Session I: 8:45-10 a.m.

OEFFA’s Narrative: What It Is and How to Use It—Erik Petersen, Bending the Arc Strategies 

Climate Ready Farming Practices—April Jones, Pinehurst Farmers Market 

Enlivening Soil: In Place and Rotational Composting Practices for a Community and Market Garden—Peter Huttinger, Turner Farm  

Seed Stories: A Deeper Dive into Varietal Production—Michelle Hochkeppel, High Mowing Seeds 

Organic Corn Hybrid Test Results and Organic Corn and Soybean Budgets for Ohio—Osler Ortez and Eric Richer, OSU Extension 

Fencing and Weighing 101—Neil Mentzer, Gallagher Fence 

Plant Invaders of Field and Forest: Invasive Species to Know and Control—Janell Baran, Blue Owl Garden Emporium 

Launch Your Value-Added Specialty Food Business with Confidence—Angel King, Blue Jacket Dairy 

Feb. 17

Workshop Session II: 10:45 a.m.-Noon

Climate, Conservation, and Resilience in the 2023 Farm Bill—Heather Dean, OEFFA, Jesse Womack, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition 

A Look into Business Ecosystems: Regenerative Poultry—Diane Christofore, Regenerative Agriculture Alliance 

Market Gardening with Livestock Integration: Key Farming Successes, Failures, and Future Directions—Ian Zeglin, Greenacres Foundation 

Can the Whole Farm Revenue Protection Program Give Peace of Mind to Vegetable Farmers?—Andy Hupp and Kendyl Meadows, Three Creeks Produce, Jeff Schazhinski, National Center for Appropriate Technology

Connecting Field Crop Production Strategies and Cooperative Marketing—Steve Boyda, Organic Farmers Agency for Relationship Marketing 

PaddockTrac: Technology to Manage Grazing Systems—Stacey Hamilton and Ryan Lock, University of Missouri Extension 

Writing a Farm Health and Safety Plan for Body, Mind, and Spirit—Elizabeth Henderson and Jon Magee, Agricultural Justice Project 

Establishing a Brick and Mortar Farmer’s Market—Connie and Randall Moores, Moores Heritage Farm 

Feb. 17

Workshop Session III: 1-2:15 p.m. 

Keeping the LAMP Lit: Growing Local Food System Support in the 2023 Farm Bill—Wes King, Office of Senator Sherrod Brown 

Cover Crop Strategies for Annual and Perennial Crops—Dan Kneier, Hocking College 

Chicken Breed Selection: Choosing the Best Chickens for Your Space—Denise Brooks, CSU Extension 

Homemade Fertilizers—Bryan O’Hara, Tobacco Road Farm 

Organic Grain Markets: What to Watch in 2023—Abigail Edel, Mercaris 

Holistic Planned GrazingGetting Animals to the Right Place at the Right Time for the Right Reason—Wayne Knight, Holistic Management International 

Sustainability in Pure Maple Syrup Production—Kevin Milligan, Milligan’s Maple Products 

Farm Leadership: How to Build an Efficient Team—Danielle Vogel, Procter Center Farm 

Feb. 17

Workshop Session IV: 2:30-3:45 p.m.

Continuous Improvement of the National Organic Program—Alex Dragovich and Alexis Dragovich, Mud Run Farm, Sarah Pinkham, OEFFA, Jim Riddle, Blue Fruit Farm 

Making and Using Chestnut Flour—Michelle Ajamian, Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative, Amy Miller, Route 9 Cooperative, Eleanor Reagan, Rural Action 

Companion Planting: A Fresh Look—Barbara Utendorf, 

Crop Planning for Success and Sanity—Nathan Lada, Green Things Farm Collective 

Focusing on Grain Nutritional Quality for Better Marketability and Profit—Joel Kurtz, Maysville Elevator 

Keys to Maintaining a Successful Pasture for Grazing—Phil Hollingshead, OSU Extension 

Introducing Kids to Herbs and Forest Farming—Joe Brehm, Rural Action 

Management Tools for Farming Profit—Michael Jones, Tierra Verde Farms 

Feb. 18

Workshop Session V: 8:45-10 a.m. 

Sustainable and Organic Farming Systems and the Pursuit of Climate Change Readiness—Aaron Wilson, OSU Extension 

Farmer Perspectives on Applying for and Managing SARE Grants—Mike Hogan, OSU Extension, Aaron Hopkins, ICANDO Community Development, Christine Morrow, Rocky Knob Farms of Ohio SARE

 Turn Your Lawn into Prairie—Tisa Watts, Columbus Garden School 

All About High Tunnel Commercial Tomato Production—Michelle Wallace, CSU Extension 

Grower Perspectives on Achieving Healthy Soils for Healthy Grain Crops—Bridget Burgess, Hirzel Farms, Jeremy Flora, Dave Shively, Shively Farm 

Thinking About Adding Heritage Poultry? Compare Investment and Profitability with Fast-Growing Poultry—Shelly Oswald, Old Time Farm 

Gardening As We Age: Ideas for Adapting—Laura Akgerman, Ohio AgrAbility 

Managing Complex Farm and Food Projects with Airtable—Rachel Tayse, Seeding Resilience 

Feb. 18

Workshop Session VI: 10:45 a.m.-Noon 

Challenging Monopoly Control of our Food System—Cathy Becker and Angela Huffman, Farm Action 

#RealSchoolFoodChallenges Working with Schools—Julialynne Walker, Bronzeville Growers Market 

Biological Control for Waxworms and Hive Beetles in Honeybee Hives—Nadia Ruffin, Quiwi Produce and Agricademy Inc. SARE

Rollin’ Out the Bale—Mick Luber, Bluebird Farm 

A Beginner’s Guide to Grains Farming—Timothy Schacht, Ohio Till Farmstead LLC 

Raising Livestock to H.E.A.L. Landscapes: Health, Eating, Agriculture, and Land—Colin Brown, Gifted Grass Farms 

Donation Station: A Model for Cultivating Community Food Access—Susie Huser and Reggie Morrow, Community Food Initiatives 

Financial Record Keeping for Small Vegetable Farms—Marcie Todd, Freshtown Farm 

Feb. 18

Workshop Session VII: 1-2:15 p.m. 

Climate Action Advocacy for the Farm Bill and How to Talk About Climate with Anyone for Greatest Impact—Karen Jeffers-Tracy

An Overview of Silvopasture and Forest Farming Practices—Andrea Miller and Molly Sowash, Rural Action 

Animal Exclusion for the Home Gardener—Nick Leone 

Heating the Winter Tunnel: Is It Worth It?—Dana Hilfinger, Roots, Fruits and Shoots, LLC and Johnny’s Selected Seeds 

The Ins and Outs of Hemp Grain Production and Processing—Craig Schluttenhofer, CSU Extension 

FAMACHA© and Fecal Egg Counting Tools for Shepherds—Clif Little, OSU Extension 

Native Plant Seed Saving—Dianne Kadonaga, Sunny Glen Garden 

Farming in Community: Overview of Types and Benefits of Different Collaborative Models—Lisa Helm, Dayton Urban Grown 



New this year!

presented by Osborne Quality Seeds

Welcoming Exhibit Hall Happy Hour and Keynote Address

Thursday, February 16-4-7 p.m.

We’re kicking things off on Thursday evening with a welcoming happy hour in the exhibit hall and keynote address from Rowen White! Reunite with food and farm friends, get a head start on your conference shopping, enjoy a free drink, and peruse a delicious street taco bar and cash bar in the exhibit hall. Exhibit Hall doors open at 4 p.m. The keynote address begins at 6 p.m. Access to this event is included in general and Food and Farm School registration. Non-registrants can purchase tickets at the door for $35.

Can’t make it in time for the keynote? Follow us on Facebook @ohioecologicalfoodandfarmassociation to watch it on Facebook live!

In collaboration with Homestead Beer Co., we’re getting our own OEFFA conference beer!

A harvest ale full of local honey, each glass will be a delicious blend of biscuit-y, toasted malts, sweet, full honey, and hints of apple and pear from the house yeast.

Follow OEFFA on Instagram @ohioecological to see more about it as we get closer to February!

Special Events

Community Conversations, Demos, and Networking 

Friday, February 17—4-5 p.m. | Saturday, February 18—2:30-3:30 p.m. 

The OEFFA conference community is truly something special. So many passionate people come every year to share information, see old friends, and welcome new ones. To celebrate and magnify this powerful gift we have, we are once again setting aside conference time for special sessions for connecting, dreaming, affirming, and sharing. These conversations will include opportunities for emotional work like a facilitated space for BIPOC farmers, candid conversations about bridging the rural and urban divide, opportunities to network with other food businesses interested in domestic fair trade, and fun demos showcasing useful skills like food dehydration.

Open Mic Night

Friday, February 17—7:30 p.m.

We are very excited to offer the OEFFA Open Mic Night in person this year! Come and share your artistic side with your OEFFA family. Songs, poems, stories, and skits are welcome; please share whatever moves you. We’ll have a sign-up sheet available at the event for attendees to grab a spot on a first-come, first-served basis until all the spaces are filled. An acoustic guitar will be available for anyone who needs it.

Heartland FarmLink Mixer

Heartland FarmLink Mixer

Friday, February 17—5-6:30 p.m.

FarmLink Mixer is a social event for farmland seekers and farmland owners to meet and connect. Farmers and landowners who have available farmland to rent, sell, or transfer can meet up with interested farmers looking for land. Land seekers are encouraged to talk to farmland owners about their hopes and plans for a farm, and find other interested farmers who may want to collaborate on a farm project. Transferring land is a big challenge—this event is to help ease some of the hurdles and bring interested parties together. This event takes place during the conference, but is open to the public as well.

Members’ Meeting

Friday, February 17—4-5 p.m.
Free and open to all OEFFA members

Join us for OEFFA’s annual membership meeting, the time each year when our members come together to hear the latest about OEFFA and share their own thoughts. This is YOUR organization. Please come to listen, learn, and share.

OEFFA Chapter Meet Ups

Friday, February 17—Noon
Saturday, February 18—Noon

Sit down and eat with your community! During Friday’s lunch, there will be dedicated tables for interest-based OEFFA chapters to meet up and chow down. Saturday’s lunch will do the same with regional OEFFA chapters.

Learn more about OEFFA’s chapters. Contact Lauren Blyth at (614) 947-1611 or with questions.

Farmers Market Vendor Fair

Friday, February 17— 4-6:30 p.m.

The Ohio Farmers Market Network (OFMN) Vendor Fair is an opportunity for farmers markets to connect with farmers and vendors searching for direct-to-consumer opportunities to sell their products. Market managers looking for new vendors will have informational displays conveniently set up along the way to the conference exhibit hall, making it easy for farmers and food entrepreneurs to network with potential markets and seek out a good fit. Stop by, say hello, and take advantage of this unique opportunity to find your next market!


Exhibit Hall Happy Hour

Friday, February 17—4:30-6:30 p.m.

What better way to end your first full conference day than with some relaxing and catching up? This gathering will have light fare, a cash bar, and fun activities in the exhibit hall to wrap up the day.

Exhibit Hall Hours

Open throughout the conference!

Dedicated exhibit hall hours:

Thursday, February 16—4-6 p.m.
Friday, February 17—8 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 18—8 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

With more than 31,000 square feet of space, our new exhibit hall will be a one-stop shop! Here, you’ll find businesses that can help you find your market, products to maximize your farm or backyard, services to improve your farm or homestead, quality locally-produced merchandise for your pantry and home, and useful information from knowledgeable nonprofit and educational institutions.


Feeling lucky? Check out the raffle table to try your luck and win a variety of valuable products and services, courtesy of many of our exhibitors, sponsors, and supporters. Funds raised support OEFFA’s educational work.

Exhibit Hall Hospitality  

There are seating areas available within the trade show for attendees and exhibitors to relax, reflect, and engage with fellow conference-goers. Grab a cup of coffee and some literature to peruse, and sit and visit for a while with your OEFFA family.  

Certification Assistance

Organic Certification Assistance 

Are you certified organic or considering certification? Bring your questions and paperwork! OEFFA Certification staff will be on hand to provide one-on-one assistance and to answer questions about the organic certification process, organic standards, and certification guidelines.

Interested in sponsoring?

Click here or contact Abbe Turner at or (614) 421-2022.

Not included in general registration. Must be purchased separately. Lunch registration ends February 1. Menu subject to change.

We incorporate organic and/or local meats, dairy products, vegetables, and grains into our meal offerings. Given this sourcing work, a limited number of meals are available for sale. If you plan to eat a conference lunch, we recommend buying it in advance. Vegan and gluten-free meals cannot be guaranteed.

Pork enchiladas OR

Vegetarian seasonal pasta

Tossed salad with ranch and Italian dressings

3-bean salad

Artisan breads


Shepherd’s pie with ground beef and potatoes OR

Vegetarian shepherd’s pie with sweet potato and mushrooms

Winter greens salad with candied nuts

Roasted root vegetables

Artisan breads

Baked apples with caramel sauce and yogurt


Butternut Squash Lasagna

Southwestern Black Bean and Roasted Corn Salad

Smokey Black Beans with Peppers and Onions

Mixed Greens Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing

Garden Vegetable Soup

Traditional and Mexican Spiced Brownies with Raspberry Sauce

Bring the family!

Kids’ Conference and Child Care

Kids’ Conference

Kat Christen of Smaller Footprint Farm and Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice is back to organize a very special screen-free Kids’ Conference to give 6 to 12-year-olds educational and fun hands-on activities. 

Child Care

Child care is available for younger children. Megan DeLaurentis will again organize and offer age-appropriate activities and time to take a nap.

Private space for nursing will be available. Children must be with parents during meal times. 

SARE Farmers Forum 


The North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Farmers Forum is a traveling annual event giving farmers, ranchers, researchers and others the chance to share information about sustainable agriculture practices with a national audience. 

These presentations focus on research, demonstration, and education projects that promote profitable practices that are good for the environment and community. The projects highlighted in these presentations and the Farmers Forum are funded by grants from NCR-SARE, a USDA funded program that supports and promotes sustainable farming and ranching by offering competitive grants and educational opportunities. 

Funding for Persons of Color

A welcoming and accessible conference for an increasingly diverse community of farmers of all experience levels is extremely important to us. To further this goal, OEFFA has conference funding available for Black, Indigenous, and persons of color who are or want to be in food system work—farmers, farmworkers, food preparation and service workers, food nutrition and food system advocates, or food and farm educators. If you fit this criteria, please consider applying. Priority will be given to Ohio residents who have not previously attended the conference. Conference participants who purchase their registration are not eligible for this funding. To apply, visit, contact August Taylor at or (614) 725-3161. Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis.

Accessibility Statement

OEFFA is committed to making our conference as accessible and welcoming as possible. All conference events will be held on Cherry Valley Hotel and Ohio Event Center’s ground floor except for Kids’ Conference, which is accessible by elevator. The venue has ADA compliant bathrooms, multiple accessible entrances, and nearby parking in its own lot. The venue is spread out, so please contact us if you have any concerns about the distance between different portions of the event. The hotel has two floors with elevators and has ADA accessible rooms available; please contact them for information. Closed Captioning can be provided on all PowerPoint presentations. If you have any questions, concerns, or special needs, please contact Milo Petruziello at and we will do our best to assist you.


Register Online

Registration Pricing at a Glance

Online registration closed February 1. On-site registration will be available during the conference.


General Registration



Sliding scale for members begins at $90

Full-Time Students



Food and Farm School



Includes lunch

Holistic Planned Grazing



No-Till Vegetable Culture



Organic Systems Plan Help-Shop



Our Future, Our Farm Bill



Planting Fairness






Lunch registration ends February 1




Requires pre-approval. Contact Sasha at (614) 947-1642 or


OEFFA has conference registration funding available for persons of color who are or want to be in food system work. Learn more.


Betty Brown | Christine Hughes | Nick Leone | Nikki Ransom | Route 9 Cooperative | Judy Sauer | Jeannie Seabrook | Anthony Silvernail | Helen Sites | Mardy Townsend | Omar Wahdan


Dawes Arboretum
Stroll through the 2,000 acres of seasonal gardens and walking trails of The Dawes Arboretum. Popular attractions include the Japanese Garden, birdwatching, and a 10,000-year-old glacier ridge.

Midland Theater
Catch spellbinding drama productions, ballet spectaculars, and sold-out concerts at Midland Theater, a 1,800-seat multipurpose venue in Newark.


Granville Downtown Square
Experience New England charm in the heart of Ohio by strolling

down Granville’s downtown square. Explore the unique shops and sit down to enjoy the local dining options.

Location and Lodging

Cherry Valley Hotel and Ohio Event Center
2299 Cherry Valley Rd. SE, Newark, Ohio 43055  |  (740) 788-1200

With its newly renovated rooms and thousands of square feet of space, Cherry Valley Hotel will truly be our home for the conference weekend. Parking is complimentary, and guests will enjoy their rooms being only a minute’s walk to all conference activities. There is an indoor pool, fitness center, and multiple places to eat and drink on site. 

$124.00 per night. Visit or call and ask for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association room block rate. A limited number of rooms are available at this rate. Deadline: January 20, 2023.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214


OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022